God is when you are not. When you are IT IS not because YOU are nothing but a blindness. The ego cannot see. the ego cannot be aware, the ego exists only as a by-product of unconscious living. One goes on living as if in sleep. In this sleep the part begins to dream itself as the whole, and this dreaming becomes a barrier to knowing the whole. Begin to be aware, aware of your actions, thoughts and emotions, just aware. Because if you condemn or appreciate you will not be aware - in any choice the awareness is contaminated and the darkness of unawareness comes in, so just be aware without any choice; then awareness is pure and innocent, and then awareness is a mirror. In this mirror-like awareness one never finds oneself but one finds THAT-WHICH-IS. And that is God. But it is only when you are not because you are the dust which makes the mirror blind. Because you are the blindness.
Meditation is a mirror - and the most faithful one. Whoever goes into meditation risks a confrontation with himself: The mirror of meditation never lies, and it does not flatter. It is impartial and innocent and it never projects anything. It only faithfully shows your real original face, the face we never show to the world, the face that we ourselves have forgotten. So it is possible that you yourself may not be able to recognize it the first time! But do not escape from it. Face it and you will come to know it and recognize it. This confrontation is the first test of courage on the inner way. So when it comes to happen - rejoice and feel blessed.
Meditation is not thinking, but living. Live it daily, moment to moment; that is, live in it or let it live in you. It is not something other-worldly either, because all such distinctions are from the mind: they are speculative and not existential, and meditation is existential. It is no more than one's everyday life lived totally.
Fear cripples consciousness, and fear is the source of unconsciousness, that is why without transcending fear no one can attain to full consciousness. But what is fear? Fear is awareness of death without knowing what death is. Fear exists in the gap between you and your death, and if there is no gap, no space, then there is no fear. Do not think of death as something outside you because it is not. And do not think of death as something in the future because it is not. Death is within you, because death is the other side of life. Life cannot exist without death; they both belong to the same energy as positive and negative poles. So do not identify yourself with life - because you are both. The identification with life creates the gap. And death has nothing to do with the future - it is always here and now. Every moment, it is. And when one ceases to regard it as something outside oneself and, so to speak, draws it into his consciousness and assimilates the idea of it, one is completely changed. He is in all truth born again. And then there is no fear because then there is no gap.
Man is an everlack, because he desires without knowing himself, because he desires to become something without knowing his being, and this is absurd. First one must know his being otherwise there will be anguish. Becoming is anguish because it is a constant tension between that which is and that which should be - and it is an impossible longing also because only that can be which is. So know yourself as you are without any ideals, without any judgement and without any condemnation. Go deep within yourself without any desires to become because only then can you know yourself. Discover yourself, not according to anybody else, but as you are. Discover the fact, discover the real in its total nakedness. In this total authenticity just be a witness, and then there is an altogether different quality to life, the quality of let go. Then one is relaxed totally. And all flowering is in relaxation, and all benediction.
Ask for nothing and you will never be frustrated. Anticipate darkness with light and sorrow with happiness because such is the nature of things. Then you will never be frustrated. Say to life: What can you do to me? I want nothing! And say to death: What can you do to me? I have already died! Then you will be truly free because unless one is free of life one can never be free of death. And when one is free of both one knows that life which is eternity itself.
I am not God-fearing. Fear does not take one to God. It is only a complete absence of fear which can take you there.
How can the search begin unless there is doubt? How will the heart stir to know the truth unless there is doubt? Remember - belief and faith bind man, doubt liberates him.
Atheism is the first step towards theism, and a must. If you haven't been through the fire of atheism you'll never know the light of theism. If you haven't the true strength to say No your Yes will always be impotent. So I am glad you are an atheist - something that can be said only by a theist. So I say: Go deeper into atheism. Superficiality won't do, So don't just think atheism, live it - and it will ultimately lead you to God. Atheism isn't IT. It is just a doubting. Actually, doubt is a search for trust. So go on, take your journey for the path to truth starts with this doubt. Doubt is sadhana because doubt eventually exposes the incontestable truth. Inside the seed of doubt is the tree of trust. So if you plant the seed of questioning and work on it you are bound to harvest trust. And beware all religions! Only religions obstruct the true path of RELIGION.
What is suppressed becomes attractive, what is negated, invites! Only alertness to the mind's games brings freedom. Negation does not really negate, on the contrary, it invites. The mind plays around the forbidden like the tongue around the gap of an extracted tooth.
The repression of sex has choked your life with anger, its smoke pervades your whole personality.
Theism is another name for infinite hope. It is patience, it is waiting, it is trust in leela, in the play of life, and therefore with theism complaining cannot be. Theism is acceptance, it is surrender - acceptance of what is beyond the self and surrender to the source of the self.

There is a great difference between love and pity. There is pity in love but there is no love in pity.
Don't be afraid of sexual desire. Because fear is the beginning of defeat. Accept it, it is and it has to be. Of course, you must know it and recognize it, be aware of it, bring it out of the unconscious into the conscious mind. You cannot do this if you condemn it because condemnation leads to repression and it is repression that pushes desires and emotions into the unconscious. Really, it is because of repression that the mind is divided into conscious and unconscious, and this division is at the root of all conflict, and it is this division that prevents man from being total - and without integration there is no way to peace, bliss and freedom. So meditate on sexual desire. Whenever the desire arises, watch it mindfully. Do not resist it, do not escape from it, encountering it leads you to unique experiences. And whatever you have learned or heard about celibacy - throw it once and for all into the dustbin, for there is no other way than this of reaching to brahmacharya.
Osho's ten commandments:
1. Obey no orders except those from within.
2. The only God is life itself.
3. Truth is within, do not look for it elsewhere.
4. Love is prayer.
5. Emptiness is the door to truth, it is the means, the end and the achievement.
6. Life is here and now.
7. Live fully awake.
8. Do not swim, float.
9. Die each moment so that you are renewed each moment.
10. Stop seeking. That which is, is: Stop and see.